Water and Sewer bills are issued monthly by mail, with billing statements sent during the last week of each month. Payment is due by the 25th. Your bill will detail water and sewer charges under the codes W1, W2, W3 (water) and S1, S2, S3, S4 (sewer). It also includes the current meter reading; if this does not match your meter reading, please contact the Village Hall.
Payments received after 5:00 p.m. on the 25th will incur late penalties. Bills indicating a past due amount must be paid by the 16th of the month to avoid a shut-off notice, which gives you 10 days to clear the dues. Failure to pay will result in a disruption of your service. Reinstatement of service during business hours (9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.) incurs a $100 fee. For reconnections after hours or on weekends, provided a Public Works employee is available, the fee is $150.
Payment Options
The village can now accept Credit/Debit cards in our office.
Cash, Check or Money Order: Payments may be mailed, dropped off at the Village Hall or deposited in our drop box slot located at the next door south of the Village Hall door on Main Street.
Online: We now offer online bill payment options through PSN. Click here to register.
Automatic Debit from Checking or Savings Account: An Automatic Debit Payment Application Form must be on file at the Village Hall for this option. Please click here to download this form.
Mailed payments should be addressed to:
Village of Pecatonica
PO Box 730
Pecatonica, IL 61063-0730