Village Board: President Tom Heister, and Trustees Bill Determan, Cheryl Bean, Tom Gipe, Kim Gipe, Gerald Howard and Collin Hardy.
Village Board Meetings: Village Board Meeting are held on the first Thursday and the third Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise posted.
Water/Sewer Department: 815-239-2348, Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30am – 4:00 pm with a ½ hour lunch break
Police Department Non-Emergency Number: 815-239-1600, if no answer please leave a message
Fire Department: 815-239-2513 or 911
Cable & Internet Services:
Mediacom: 866-755-2225 (also offers Telephone Service)
Frontier Communications: 877-387-3477 (also offers Telephone service)
Dish Network: 888-825-2557
DirecTV: 888-777-2454
Telephone Service:
Frontier Communications: 877-387-3477 (also offers Internet service)
Mediacom: 866-755-2225 (also offers Internet Service)
Gas Service:
Nicor: 888-642-6748
Electric Service:
ComEd: 800-334-7661
Garbage Service:
Gill’s Disposal 815-233-5644
School District: 815-239-1639
Post Office: 815-239-2656
Winnebago County Fairground: 815-239-1641
Pecatonica Public Library: 815-239-2616
Sumner Park: 815-239-1083
Village Information Quick Reference
Building Permits/Inspections: Required for new construction, reconstruction, repairing, moving a structure, roofing, windows, swimming pools, this would include but not limited to dwellings, sheds, decks garages, porches, etc. In-ground or above ground swimming pools require a permit when they are 18” or more in depth and /or have a 2,500+ gallon capacity. Inspections are required for but not limited to, electrical work, reconstruction, chimneys, roofing, etc. Building Permits and Inspection Forms can be obtained from the Village Hall or downloaded off the Village website. Approval of Building Permits takes 3-5 business days. All building projects must comply with the setback regulations.
Burning Ordinance: The Village of Pecatonica has a Burning Ordinance and a short version is as follows: Fire pit, whether it is made of earth, metal or stone, can only be 4’ in diameter. The only wood allowed to be burned are tree branches (no leaves attached) or untreated lumber in 3’-4’ sections (NO YARD or GARDEN WASTE ALLOWED). The fire must be attended by individual 18 years or older and a water source must be available at all times. A copy of the full Burning Ordinance can be obtained at the Village Hall.
Snow Ordinance: The village of Pecatonica has a Snow Ordinance and a short version is as follows: A snow emergency is hereby declared to be in effect immediately after two inches or more of snow has accumulated on the ground and will remain in effect until the snow has been plowed to the curb line or three days after the snowfall has ceased. On all streets is shall be unlawful for any person to stop, stand or park any vehicle in the Village during a snow emergency except as follows: (1) on even numbered calendar days, vehicles may be parked on that side of the street where even-numbered buildings are, or would be located, between the hours of 8:00am and 8:00am on the following day. (2) on odd numbered calendar days, vehicles may be parked on that side of the street where odd-numbered buildings are, or would be located, between the hours of 8:00am and 8:00am on the following day. Also, snow is not to be shoveled out into the street. A copy of the full Snow Ordinance can be obtained at the Village Hall.
We are always interested in your questions or comments about the Village of Pecatonica services.