Snow & Ice Removal
The village of Pecatonica has a Snow Ordinance and a short version is as follows:
A snow emergency is hereby declared to be in effect immediately after two inches or more of snow has accumulated on the ground and will remain in effect until the snow has been plowed to the curb line or three days after the snowfall has ceased. On all streets it shall be unlawful for any person to stop, stand or park any vehicle in the Village during a snow emergency except as follows:
(1) on even-numbered calendar days, vehicles may be parked on that side of the street where even-numbered buildings are, or would be located, between the hours of 8:00am and 8:00am on the following day.
(2) on odd-numbered calendar days, vehicles may be parked on that side of the street where odd-numbered buildings are, or would be located, between the hours of 8:00am and 8:00am on the following day.
Also, snow is not to be shoveled out into the street. A copy of the full Snow Ordinance can be obtained at the Village Hall.
Street Lights
To request a street light repair, visit the Commonwealth Edison website. You can also call the Pecatonica Village to report a street light outage.